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Over 35GW of Sungrow PV products and solutions installed in 2020. Keep pioneering!
In 2020, Sungrow energy storage system shipped more than 800MWh worldwide including the United States, Europe, Japan, Australia, China and other key markets.
The total installed capacity of Sungrow FPV amounted to 1.1GW as of December 2020.
With more than 24 years of experience in the development and production of photovoltaic inverter technology, Sungrow is the world's leading provider of intelligent energy solutions.
Shunyi Beijing(SettingBasin)
Daqing Heilongjiang(Extremely cold region)
Taiwan(Typhoon region)
Guqiao Huainan
Xinji Huainan
Yuanjiang Yiyang
EMEA(Irrigation Pond)
Huancheng Jining
Panji Huainan
Qintang Guigang
Southeast Asia(Amusement Park)
Weishan Jining
Harbin Heilongjiang(Extremely cold region)
Yunxi Yueyang
Huaiyang Zhoukou(Pond)
Southeast Asia
Xiangshan Ningbo(Desalination treatment tank )
Dalian Liaoning(Reservoir)
Lishui Nanjing(Pond)
5.9 kWp Sistema FV residencial in Brasil
4,86 kWp Sistema FV residencial in Brasil
550 kW Rooftop PV Plant in Germany
1 MW PV Plant in Vietnam
Zhejiang Dongyang 14.75kw sunshine roof project
Zhejiang Dongyang 12.98kw sunshine roof project
Zhejiang Dongyang 9.72kw sunshine roof project
Zhejiang Dongyang 5.895kw sunshine roof project
Wuwei 40kW ecological photovoltaic manor project
Sunshine roof project of 4.72kw Zhonghai mansion villa area, Binzhou, Shandong
Sunshine roof project in Suncun Town, Jingde County
Hefei Rome Garden 4.32kw sunshine roof project
Sunshine roof project in Jingde County, Xuancheng, Anhui
Sun room-Anhui Lu'an sunshine house project
Yujingshanzhuang villa photovoltaic power station project
Hefei Victoria villa photovoltaic power station project
Hefei Jiuxi Jiangnan villa photovoltaic power station project
Hefei baishang Lanshan villa photovoltaic power station project
800KW photovoltaic power station project in zhangci community, Feixi County
400KW photovoltaic power station project in Xinmin community, Guanting Town, Feixi County
Chaohu Longquan residential building photovoltaic power station project
10MW / 42MWh PV+ESS in USA
1.5MW / 3.836mwh DC coupling project in Florida , USA
27.5MW / 30.14MWh PV+ESS Yorkshire in England
16MW / 8.5MWh Frequency Regulation in Germany
1MW / 3.3MWh Renewable Energy Shifting in Akita, Japan
1 MW / 2.7 MWh DC coupled C&I in Phnom Penh
500 kW / 755 kWh Micro-grid in WA, Australia
250 kW / 1.37 MWh C&I Micro-grid in Sampson Cay, Bahamas
250 kW / 548 kWh C&I in California, America
100 kW / 411 kWh C&I in Bundaberg, QLD, Austrilia
Residential ESS project in Australia
Residential ESS project in Italy
Residential ESS project in China
205 MW PV Plant in Fresno, CA, USA
168 MW PV Plant in Algeria
166.5 MW PV Plant in Egypt
25 MW PV Plant in Argentina
19.2 MW PV Plant in USA
15 MW PV Plant in UK
8.3 MW PV Plant in Germany
6.5 MW PV Plant in Spain
5 MW PV Plant in Dubai
18 MW PV Plant in Dubai
Residential PV project in Czech
Residential PV project in Australia
Residential PV project in Italy
Residential PV project in Germany
4 kw residential PV plant in Hefei, China